I've been recently diving into the fascinating world of traditional printmaking.
Here are some of my projects!

My first time trying aquatint
"Untitled", 12x10 cm aquatint on paper
"Untitled", 12x10 cm aquatint on paper

Original zinc plates

@K@ _ Gel plate monoprints
My entries for the 6th John Ruskin Prize

"See the unseen, hear the unspoken" was the brief for this year's contest.
My take on it relates to today's technology and how # and @ are now part of our everyday alphabet - interlocked in a ether-based life.
Once tangible things seem now more than ever intangible, unseen and unspoken.
"@K@ #1" & "@K@ #2" are gel plate monoprints with hand painted details.
I also used Posca pens & white gel pens.

Act I Gel Plate Monoprints
I was born in Italy and moved to West London in 2016.
I wanted to explore my feelings about living far from where I was brought up and how this has made me who I am today.

Gel plate monoprints with additional hand drawn Posca details
Part of Riverside Studios Summer Exhibition
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