"In Times New Roman..." Animated Loops - Personal Project
At the start of this year, I set out to create a short animated loop for every song on Queens of the Stone Age's latest masterpiece “In Times New Roman…”.
This was mainly to challenge myself to improve my skills in frame by frame animation and up my game in Adobe Animate.
I also always loved the idea of animating a music video, so this was the perfect project to tackle.

After roughly 4 months of work, this is the final result!
3 months into the project, I finally had all 10 concepts and rough animations done.
Ready for cleanup and colouring!
Here's the edit of all 10 rough animations - some things changed quite a bit in the final cleaned up version, while for some others, it was only a matter of building assets straight into After Effects or barely refining anything on there.
Here's a breakdown of my process
Here are some sketches and WIPs I made while brainstorming concepts for each song.​​​​​​​
Track I. Obscenery - This was one of the final tracks I ended up visualising, as I decided to scrap the 'postcard' idea as the project was coming along.
Track II. Paper Machete - This is the last track I visualised, took me a while but finally envisioned a dangerous metal trap turning into a harmless chattering teeth toy. These are some other concepts I played with.
Track III. Negative Space - Last year I tried aquatint for the first time and a hand illustration I made totally inspired me for this track ( and for my own logo ).. I also played with the song title and the 'negative space' graphic effect.
Track IV. Time & Place - Going into this passion project, I knew I wanted to play with the band's iconic imagery - most notably snakes and “Time & Place" was the perfect track to introduce one…
Track V. Made to Parade - For this track I was determined to introduce chains, another signature symbol in Queens’ universe..
After a few iterations, I once again went for a ‘less is more’ approach and finally framed the 3 scenes for my small montage.
Track VI. Carnavoyer - For this track I brainstormed quite a lot of concepts before finally landing on the ‘figure inside the blood hourglass’ design.
Track VII. What the Peephole Say - This is the second track I tackled and the most difficult animation. Took a while but got there in the end!
Track VIII. Sicily - This is the first track I visualised back in January, inspired by the lyrics "You're all peaches and cream, pink nightmares..."
Track IX. Emotion Sickness - Heart break hits like an electric shock - like “a flick of a switch”. Loved this single when it came out - the idea came to me while working on another track.
Track X. Straight Jacket Fitting - “The old world melts like a candle a-flickerin' out” - “To face down your demons, you've got to free them” - “Bring on the healing..”​​​​​​​
Thank you for watching! :)
Disclaimer: This is fan-made content, no copyright infringement intended.
All music rights go to Queens of the Stone Age/Matador Records/Beggars Group
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